In person or online service

The breastfeeding consultation is conducted at home, in the office, or online via video call and lasts 1.5 hours. It consists of a meeting where the attachment and positioning of the mother-baby pair will be assessed upon return from hospital discharge and preferably after 72 hours of the baby’s life or during support. However, it can happen at any time when the mother needs help. During the consultation, the importance of breastfeeding, breast care, breast massage and pumping, breastfeeding techniques and appropriate positioning will be discussed.
You will learn everything you need to know to breastfeed. A personalized breastfeeding plan will be drawn up.
Breast pain, sore and cracked nipples, bleeding nipple... All of this can be prevented with proper guidance!

The sooner you seek support, the better your chances of breastfeeding comfortably and for an extended period.
Even when facing challenges, breastfeeding can continue if mothers receive understanding and support from family, friends, healthcare professionals, and in the workplace.
Pain while breastfeeding
Pain while breastfeeding is one of the main causes of early weaning. Most of the time, proper knowledge about breastfeeding management can help mothers breastfeed calmly and without pain! That’s right, don’t believe unfounded advice. Breastfeeding SHOULD NOT hurt.
Do you feel pain while breastfeeding?
I can help you!
Engorged breasts
Everything was going so well in the hospital! But suddenly, once at home, your breasts became hard, heavy, and hot. You feel chills, and what was once an easy feeding now leaves your baby frustrated. You’re likely experiencing engorgement, also known as milk coming in. Many factors can be corrected and adjusted to improve this process, allowing you to continue breastfeeding more comfortably.
Sore and cracked nipples
Are you exhausted from so many attempts to get your baby to latch? They told you breastfeeding was natural, and that when the baby was hungry, they would latch easily? Suddenly, in the midst of the chaos, you notice your nipples are sore, or there’s blood in the baby’s mouth due to the cracks. This pain is not just physical but emotional too, and it's preventing you from continuing to breastfeed. With the right knowledge about what caused the damage, you can save your breastfeeding journey!

Poor weight gain
You’re dedicated to breastfeeding, nursing whenever the baby needs, spending hours with them latched on, believing everything is fine. Until the pediatric appointment, when you hear the news no parent wants to hear: the baby hasn’t gained enough weight or, worse, has lost weight! Then panic sets in, along with questions: Is my milk too weak? I breastfeed all day, and still, my baby is losing weight.
Your dream is to breastfeed, but you leave the doctor’s office with a formula prescription... At this point, you feel lost and unsure of what to do. One of the key aspects addressed in a Breastfeeding Consultation is evaluating if the baby is latching and swallowing effectively.
Low milk supply
Several factors can lead to low milk supply, and most of the time, ineffective breastfeeding is the main cause, but this can be resolved! Conditions such as high blood pressure during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, and previous breast surgeries can also affect milk production. All these factors will be evaluated and adjusted during a Breastfeeding Consultation.
Sometimes, you may find that when breastfeeding, your baby becomes overwhelmed by the amount of milk coming out. Suddenly, the baby bites your nipple, chokes, or fusses at the breast. You don’t know what to do anymore. Understanding your body and the breastfeeding process is essential! There are positions that can help, and others that might make things more difficult at that moment. An experienced lactation consultant knows various techniques that can help you get through this phase more smoothly. I can help!
Breast refusal by the baby
You’ve been breastfeeding well, but suddenly the baby starts pushing away and “refusing” the breast? After nursing for a while, they begin to pull away, and you can’t get them back to the breast? If you’ve offered an artificial nipple (bottle or pacifier) and now struggle to breastfeed, there may be a reason for this, including nipple confusion. I can help you!
Breastfeeding a premature baby
Pregnancy is full of surprises, and suddenly, the day of delivery arrives, but earlier than expected: a premature birth! A whirlwind of emotions takes over, with many doubts, exhaustion, and anxiety. Finally, discharge day comes, but with it come fears and uncertainties, both about caring for such a small baby and about breastfeeding. Will they be able to latch properly with such a tiny mouth? They tire so quickly… Breastfeeding is a huge effort, especially for preemies.
At this time, when you’re at home feeling lost and unsure where to start, having an experienced professional to rely on is essential. Know that it is possible to adjust breastfeeding, even with a premature baby. I can help you!
Breastfeeding twins
Breastfeeding one baby is already challenging and demanding, but imagine two or three! Is it possible to create a feeding routine for more than one baby? How can you maintain twin breastfeeding without a support system? And how can you nurse one while the other feeds without causing nipple confusion? Will you have enough milk to feed two babies? An experienced specialist can assist you in navigating this process, addressing all your needs regarding breastfeeding, especially when it comes to twin breastfeeding. We can simplify what may seem extremely difficult.