O parto domiciliar é uma opção cada vez mais popular entre as mulheres que desejam um parto mais natural...

“I am Shirley Fernandes, an obstetric nurse and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I am also the mother of 5 year old Marcos, and Marcelo`s wife. I believe that family is a fundamental pillar for the child, and that is why I am passionate about this universe of health and humanized care”
Tire suas dúvidas
✔ Parto Humanizado, viva uma experiência inesquecível
✔ Consultoria de Amamentação: Apoio e Orientação Personalizados
✔ Laserterapia Mamilar: Conforto e Alívio
Baskets of services
We offer a range of services for families, including prenatal care, childbirth assistance, postpartum support, breastfeeding support, and gradual weaning planning. For appointments and pricing, contact us via WhatsApp.
Stories of trust, relief and love
Hi Shirley. We are doing great. Nathan is two and a half years old. Breastfeeding was so successful that he breastfed until he was two years and 1 month old. Your help was essential for us to have such a wonderful breastfeeding journey. Much success to you! ❤️
Miriam Hohmann
Thank you for your help today, Shirley. You were incredible. Professionals like you are worth their weight in gold! ❤️
Your work is a blessing and you are an angel in people's lives. Thank you very much for all your support!
Luana Sousa
We thank Shirley for the excellent consultancy. She helped us a lot!! An extremely attentive professional. She followed Martin's progress in gaining weight and learning correct breastfeeding techniques. We loved the service and the conversations. Congratulations on your professionalism.
Carina Hayakawa
I think I was almost giving up on breastfeeding and was just giving it a "last chance", and with Shirley's help I was able to continue and love this stage of breastfeeding more and more.
I think I was almost giving up on breastfeeding and was just giving it a "last chance", and with Shirley's help I was able to continue and love this stage of breastfeeding more and more. I was in a lot of pain and my baby was underweight, today, about a month later, I don't feel any pain when breastfeeding and my baby has managed to reach the ideal weight for his age. Oh, and to this day I still receive support when I need it. thank you!
Lizeth Batista
I highly recommend nurse Shirley. I needed to have laser therapy on my nipples and it really worked, it was like removing the problem with her hand. Shirley is super available and attentive.
Daniely Malvone
Shirley is an excellent and very attentive professional. I was having difficulty breastfeeding and the laser sessions helped me a lot. She also pierced my princess's ear without any pain
Gabriela Almeida
She is a very dedicated professional who does everything with great care... our princess looked beautiful with earrings and didn't even cry...
Amercia Reis
Congratulations on your dedication and professionalism, these are very admirable characteristics! The client always realizes when the work was done with love because the result becomes more special. That's how I see your work and I'm very happy to have chosen you to do the first pierce in my daughter's ear. Thank you
Nubia Pereira
Preparatory courses: from pregnancy to postpartum
First Baby Care Course
In this course you will learn how to care for your baby at home: bathing, changing diapers, caring for the umbilical stump, exterogestation, sleep hygiene, colic and much more.
Preparatory Course for Parents
In this course you will learn everything you need to know for the arrival of your baby, from pregnancy to the first care of the baby at home and breastfeeding techniques.
Conscious Breastfeeding
Complete recorded online breastfeeding course, 1-year access.
You will learn everything you need to conduct your successful breastfeeding, from breast preparation, safe supplementation methods, breast massage and pumping, re-establishing lactation, breastfeeding positions and much more!
Professionals: become a breastfeeding consultant!
Amamenta Pro Program: breastfeeding consultant training
Internationally recognized
Counts Cerps points for the IBLCE exam