Hello, I’m Shirley Fernandes, mother of 4-year-old Marcos and Marcelo’s wife, I believe that the family is a fundamental pillar for the child, and that’s why I’m passionate about this universe of health and humanized care.

I am an obstetrical nurse graduated from São Camilo University and a Breastfeeding Consultant certified in 2022 by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE), which is the highest and most important certification that a professional can have to work with breastfeeding.

I am also part of the breastfeeding team at a renowned maternity hospital in São Paulo, helping hundreds of mothers overcome the most diverse difficulties.

I work in the maternal and infant health area as a nurse for 10 years and throughout this period my practice was guided and focused on the care of women during pregnancy, postpartum and with babies. It was an intense journey with a lot of love and affection involved and today, with more than 7,000 families attended, I can say that giving new meaning to these lives is my mission.

My passion for breastfeeding began already in the classroom, during my specialization in obstetrics.

In a lesson on the physiology of breastfeeding taught by professor Dr. Karla Marcacine, there I knew what I would do for the rest of my life.

Since then, I have become increasingly qualified to always bring the best information and assistance based on scientific evidence to all my patients, without ever forgetting the affection and love for families.

I am a mother and during my breastfeeding process I also experienced in my skin the pain faced by most women. I know what it is like to suffer with low production, with pain, with low baby weight gain because I’ve also been on the other side.

Even though I was already a breastfeeding consultant at the time, I didn’t do it without professional help, and this way I could breastfeed with comfort, quality and a lot of respect until my son was 4 years and 3 months old.

My goal is to promote a lighter and more pleasurable motherhood, including all phases of breastfeeding, from nursing to weaning.

And at the end of all these years, if I have been able to save a single baby from early weaning, my entire journey will have been worth it.


Graduated in Nursing from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas FMU 2014

Specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics from Universidade São Camilo 2016

MBA in Health Management from São Camilo 2021

International Board Certified Lactation Consultant IBCLC – 2022

Postgraduate in Clinical Aromatherapy from Unyleya 2023

Aromapsychology by Tisserand Institute 2023

Degree in Nutrition from FMU – Studying


Learn how to prepare for the baby’s arrival!

Conscious Breastfeeding Course

Discover the path to full motherhood with our breastfeeding course! Learn essential practices to strengthen the bond with your baby and promote healthy breastfeeding. We guide you through every step of the way, empowering mothers on a journey of love and nurturing.

Preparatory Course for Parents

In this course you will learn everything you need to know for the arrival of your baby, from pregnancy to the first care of the baby at home and breastfeeding techniques.

First Baby Care Course

In this course you will learn how to care for your baby at home: bathing, changing diapers, caring for the umbilical stump, exterogestation, sleep hygiene, colic and much more.


Home care, respecting the dogmas and doctrines that each family brings.


Performed during prenatal care, preferably from the 30th week of pregnancy. It consists of a meeting where the mother will be guided on the importance of breastfeeding, correct latch-on, positioning of the mother-baby pair, breast care, massage and milking. At this stage, a complete health history of the mother will be collected and screening for possible risk factors for breastfeeding will be carried out. You will learn everything you need to know to breastfeed. A personalized breastfeeding plan will be drawn up.


Breastfeeding consultancy is carried out at home or online via video call and lasts 2 hours. It consists of a meeting where the attachment and positioning of the mother-baby pair will be assessed upon return from hospital discharge and preferably after 72 hours of the baby’s life or during support. However, it can happen at any time when the mother needs help. During the consultation, the importance of breastfeeding, breast care, massage and milking, breastfeeding techniques and appropriate positioning will be discussed. You will learn everything you need to know to breastfeed. A personalized breastfeeding plan will be drawn up.


It consists of a meeting that can be held at home and where the mother, nanny or other family member is instructed on general care for the newborn, bathing the baby, hygiene and care of the umbilical stump, changing diapers, how to dress the baby, different ways to hold the baby, baby safety tips in the crib, stroller and changing table. Techniques to help your baby sleep and shantala. It is suitable for pregnant women, couples and also for those who already have their baby at home. Didactic materials will be used to enrich the meeting and make parents or future parents safer.


Consultancy for Gradual Weaning is divided into three phases. It is recommended for families with children over 18 months of age and the child must have some degree of understanding. The initial consultation lasts 2 hours and all questions will be raised based on the assessment of the family’s needs and from there we will set an objective for the 1st stage of the weaning process. The remaining consultations will last 40 minutes and will be held online via video call. Weaning is carried out gradually and gently, respecting the needs of each family.


Return to Work consultancy for breastfeeding mothers consists of a meeting lasting up to 2 hours, where the mother’s needs and objectives will be assessed and the main goals and objectives will be outlined so that she can return to work safely, ensuring a supply of breast milk for your little one. Ideally, it should be carried out 30 days before returning to work.


I pierce and place the first earring (gold or surgical steel) with a healthy and humanized technique, through the neutral acupuncture point, avoiding the baby’s energy imbalance.


Laser de baixa intensidade

Low-intensity laser treatment has been used successfully during breastfeeding consultations in the presence of pain during breastfeeding, nipple injuries, breast candidiasis, it can also be used in lacerations in the perineum, in cesarean section or episiotomy, relieving pain and edema in these cases.


As part of postpartum recovery treatment using laser therapy, we also have another modality of treatment that can be highly beneficial: ILIB (Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood).
Its goal is to target the blood through intravascular laser irradiation. The applications of laser therapy in the postpartum period are effective in assisting the complete recovery of the mother, as they act on energetic restoration and hormonal balance.
ILIB has been increasingly utilized as part of the treatment in the mother's recovery after childbirth. Clinical results are significant and improve the well-being of women going through this phase.

The benefits of ILIB use in the postpartum period are numerous, including:
• Reduction of pain;
• Anti-inflammatory effect;
• rápida cicatrização de feridas; • reequilíbrio hormonal;
• Stress reduction and relaxation;
• Improved sleep and reduced fatigue.


O LED é a mais nova tecnologia com maior inovação, quando se trata de procedimentos realizados no tratamento de feridas. LED do inglês Light Emitting Diode envolve o uso de comprimentos de onda de luz específicos para desencadear respostas biológicas no corpo. Não somente trata a lesão por fotobioestimulação mas também contribui com a descontaminação da lesão, tornando os procedimentos mais efetivos e principalmente ágeis.
In postpartum care, the LED has a very satisfactory effect on improving pain after cesarean section, as well as reducing inflammation and edema at the site caused by the procedure.
It has various applications, and its benefits in medical treatments, particularly in wound healing, include:

Effects of Red LED
• Anti-inflammatory
• Analgesic
• Antiedematous
• Cellular stimulator
• Tissue regenerator
• Cicatrizante Efeitos do LED Azul
• Acts on the microbiological process in decontaminating the bed of the lesions.

Email: contato@essencialbaby.com

Partnerships: shirleyfernandes@essencialbaby.com

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